Went to the dentist
I had a dentist appointment this morning. I was able to take a day off from work to go for my appointment. It was my 2nd teeth cleaning in 6 months, which is about right or so i'm told. FYI I seldom brush twice a day and I never floss. I would consider myself average at taking care of my teeth. There has to be people out there (besides homeless guys) who live normal lives but neglect to brush and take care of their teeth. This makes me feel better about my teeth.
Just one time though, I would actually like to walk into the dental office and be able to tell the dental hygienist (because unless its a serious procedure you dont even see the dentist) that I have been flossing everyday since my last appointment. I would love to make the commitment to floss everyday, but we all know that this will not happen. Is it really that bad not to floss everyday? Is it killing me not to floss and make my gums bleed? No, so why would i do it. Eventually when i'm old, the lack of flossing might come back to bite me but it will be at that time that i deal with that specific problem. For right now, I don't have to worry about it.
And when will the day come that the hygienist isn't expecting me to actually follow my commitment to floss everday? Its like a missionary discussion when i walk out of that place. The hygienist says something like 'will you floss everyday?' and like a church commitment, I am forced to abide, which in both cases I seldom follow through. Point is, why floss everyday when you really really dont have to in order to live a normal and full life.
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